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"I have known Andrew for many years and he is a seasoned campaigner who knows what it is like to be in the trenches of leadership. His great love for Jesus and the people of God present him as a mature voice into the spiritual formation and coaching domain. He is gentle, thoughtful, fun and wise. We had him come and facilitate a spiritual retreat for  Crossway and it was greatly appreciated. Andrew will bless almost any environment that he is invited into. His Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction enables him to draw from a deep well."


Dale Stephenson

Senior Pastor

Crossway Baptist Church,  - Melbourne, VIC, Australia.  

“When it comes to the church responding to the challenges of soul-care and spiritual formation, I have come to regard Andrew highly as a trusted guide. He brings to this task a life of much integrity, many years of faithful congregational leadership, and a wise heart and mind. SoulLife will bring blessing to many in the name of Christ.”

Trevor Hudson

Author of 'Discovering Our Spiritual Identity' and many other titles, Pastor & Teacher - Johannesburg, South Africa. 

"I have known Andrew Ranucci for almost a decade as student in both a doctor of ministry program in spiritual direction and the Renovaré Institute. More importantly I’ve known him as a pastor to wonderfully healthy congregations, a mentor to pastors, a teacher and a friend. Andrew is a proven leader who has both a wonderful heart and mind for soul care."


Gary W. Moon, MDiv., Ph.D.

Author of 'Apprenticeship with Jesus' and many other titles.

Executive Director Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center - Santa Barbara, California, USA. (Feb 2018)

"Andrew Ranucci has a true pastors heart. He has the passion and skill of a seasoned leader who has pioneered a significant church and demonstrated a capacity to lead in complexity with clarity, integrity and stability. I love spending time with Andrew because he is fun, adventurous and an avid learner of life. I always walk away with new insights, books and action steps after time with Andrew. I have attended multiple spiritual retreats led by Andrew. His warm and compassionate heart, along with an obvious teaching gift results in a safe place for pastors and leaders to do the inner soul work that’s deeply needed for spiritual formation. I  recommend pastors and leaders to get to his retreats and anywhere where he is teaching so you can catch the heart of an ever deepening spiritual leader.” 


Mike Hardie, 

Founder and Senior Pastor, 

Thrive Community Church, Caringbah NSW Australia. (Feb 2018)

"A few years ago Andrew led our leadership team on a spiritual retreat and it was an invaluable time of intentionally setting aside space to truly be still. Andrew taught us about what spiritual formation meant for us personally and it was obvious that it was flowing from well formed practices in his own life.

The fruit from that retreat is still ongoing in my life and in those who participated.

I would highly encourage any leaders of teams to access his depth of wisdom and knowledge in soul care"

Aaron Edwards
Senior Minister
Eastlake Church, Mandurah, WA Australia. (Feb 2018)

"I have known Andrew Ranucci for over 15 years as my Pastor and friend. Andrew has a unique blend of being a visionary, brilliant communicator and  passionate about spiritual formation in all its forms. I have seen first hand how Andrew has facilitated the transformation of Christians from all walks of life, including ministry leaders and organisations. I have also attended spiritual retreats developed and led by Andrew and have found them amongst the most significant times in my life."


Paul Campey

Partner, Resolve Consulting Group

Director, ACSI Global

"Andrew Ranucci knows not only a lot of information about soul care and spiritual formation, but also knows how to make it practical and doable in life. He is easy to partner with because he combines efficiency with a great heart. Best of all, Andrew is the real deal, well acquainted with the difficult realities of life but also expectant that God does great things in all of us."


Jan Johnson DMin

Author of 'Invitation to the Jesus Life' and many other titles. Professor of Spiritual Formation, Spiritual Director and Conference Speaker - Simi Valley, California, USA

"I am really excited about the launch of Soul Life. Leadership is such a demanding role and we all need guides, support and mentors along the way. I encourage you to engage with the range of services that Andrew has to offer.
I know you’ll be glad you did."


Dr. Mark Conner

Author, speaker, coach

"I always find my encounters with Andrew Ranucci inspiring. He constantly reminds me to hear God’s voice amid the turmoil of a busy life and complex ministry. His empathy is real. His questions are revealing. His insights always point me to God. He has helped me learn more about myself and be confronted by the wonder of a gracious God who values me and wants nothing but the best for me.


SoulLife is the next logical frontier in Andrew’s ministry. It is an extension of himself as he seeks to support leaders, as disciples, in pursuit of their calling to walk closely with God. I warmly recommend Andrew as a high quality mentor, guide, teacher, retreat leader and consultant.”


Dr Stephen Smith

Principal, Sydney College of Divinity

Associate Professor in Pastoral Leadership at the Sydney College of Divinity   

"Andrew’s unique mix of skills, experience, keen insight and godly motivation make him especially qualified as an ideal conversation partner and facilitator in matters of spiritual formation, organisational leadership and personal integrity. He operates with a warm, down to earth, no nonsense style that drives to the heart of the issue at hand and invites others to engage deeply to discover the wisdom and grace of God. I recommend him wholeheartedly."

Rev Dr Rick Lewis,
Author of 'Mentoring Matters', Mentor, Teacher and Consultant. Founder Anamcara Consulting, Sydney Aus

"I've come to known Andrew Ranucci over the past four years and his friendship has brought joy and encouragement to me. He is a wise, faithful leader and a trustworthy guide in the field of Christian spiritual formation. By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, Soul Life is going to help many of God's image-bearers to be more deeply formed into the image of Jesus."


Dr Christopher Hall

(Former) President - Renovare. Pennsylvania USA

"It’s been a delight to get to know Andrew through our common work with Lightstream (ACOM), Australia. What makes Andrew a unique voice in the spiritual formation space is his humanity, joy, entrepreneurial spirit, healthful embrace of practice and many faithful years as a pastor and leader. Church leaders particularly will value the wisdom of his coaching and spiritual direction.  I’m excited about what SoulLife will contribute to the Christ conscious renewal of Australia." 


Mark Scandrette,

Author of Practicing the Way of Jesus, FREE and Belonging and Becoming (with Lisa Scandrette).
Founder of ReIMAGINE: A Center for Integral Christian Practice.  San Francisco, USA


'Andrew Ranucci was the keynote speaker at our recent conference for international Christian school leaders. He did an outstanding job of leading busy leaders to find rest in Jesus in each session. Other keynoters I have known come to an event, do their thing, and disappear. Not so with Andrew. His willingness to hang out with delegates at coffee breaks and meals and then make himself available to chat with individuals and couples meant he was much more to us than a keynoter – he became a caring friend.' 

Tim Shuman,
Regional Director for International Schools, ACSI Global

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'Andrew Ranucci led our staff of over 130 at our two day annual staff retreat. His teaching was framed around the theme of  ‘Three Postures for a Healthy Soul’ and he offered a practice for each posture which the staff can experiment with. Andrew’s passion for ‘pastoring’ was evident throughout his sessions and beyond when he sat down and chatted with many and continued to unpack each of the ‘postures’ as they related to individual staff. His sessions were engaging, thought provoking and practical which our staff valued as this was a place for them to take ‘time out’ and walk with Jesus. Andrew’s own Christian walk is an inspiring one which he blends into his sessions to inspire others

Ian Hewitt
Principal - Trinity Christian School - Canberra

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